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Regular Meeting of March 27, 2013 at 7:30 pm
Meeting Room #1, Municipal Center,
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
These Minutes are Subject to Approval by the Inland Wetlands Commission

Present: Pat Boily, Kristen Hammar, Katja Pieragostini and Sharon Salling; Absent:  Ed Bryan, Mary Curran and Anne Peters; Staff Present: Steve Maguire, Land Use Enforcement Officer and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Commissioner Salling convened the meeting at 7:30 pm.  


IW #13-03  188 Mt. Pleasant Road, Richard Keiser.  Application for the correction of a violation for clear cutting and commercial logging.  Applicant was not present.  A request for extension was submitted.

IW #13-08  26 Hundred Acres Road, Stephen Roberts. Application for a single family residence.  

Steve Trinkaus, P.E., representing the applicant, reviewed in detail his plans dated March 4, 2013.  He stated that the lot is grandfathered under the original approved subdivision in 1964.  The wetlands had been flagged by Jim McManus.  The plans include details of a temporary crossing of the wetland and watercourse to develop the septic area.  There will be 0.13 acres of wetlands altered and 0.029 acres of wetland being impacted.  A three to four foot retaining wall will abut the stream.  

Commissioner Salling asked for details on the current vegetation and proposed mitigation plans.  Mr. Trinkaus said the lot has a heavy canopy with minimal undergrowth; removing selected trees will help replenish the vegetation in the understory. The septic area will be seeded with a meadow mix after completion.  Mr. Trinkaus said they can add upland plants in the southeast corner.  They can restrict the use of fertilizers and pesticides and a 2’ to 3’ wide vegetative buffer can be added along the retaining wall to help filter the run-off from the lawn.  Commissioner Salling read a portion of the regulations and felt the commission needs additional details about the grandfathering (original stamped recording of the subdivision).  Mr. Trinkaus will get a copy of this for the file.  

Mr. Boily asked for details on the erosion and sediment controls, how the site would handle a 100 year storm, and where storm water run-off flows.  Mr. Trinkaus said the retaining wall will be built first, backfilled and seeded immediately.  The stream does not show a history of flooding but in case of a large storm, the water would flow away from the home.  Permeable material will be placed behind the retaining wall and the driveway run-off would flow into a small swale.  

Mr. Maguire asked whether the lawn is graded right up to the top of the retaining wall or if there would be a lip.  Mr. Trinkaus said the lawn will be flush against the top of the wall.  Mr. Maguire said he will speak with Mr. Sibley regarding the permitted use as of right.  Mr. Trinkaus will supply a copy of the original stamped deed.  Those commissioners that have not walked the site will do so before the next meeting.

IW #13-10 159-161 Currituck Road, Marilyn Rennagel.  Application for a suction dredging project for Rennagel Pond.  Item Tabled

POCD – Tabled

APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Boily motioned to approve the minutes of March 13, 2013.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Hammar and abstained by Commissioners Salling and Pieragostini.  Corrections to the minutes are as follows:  The second paragraph on Page 1, begin this paragraph with the heading “Discussion of IW #11-13 (31 Swamp Road) Todd Bolmer”; Same paragraph, change “Hammer” to “Hammar”; The minutes were approved as amended.

ADJOURNMENT Mr. Boily motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Ms. Pieragostini seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 pm

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen